Specialized Direct Tower Services

Trusted by the Telecommunications Industry for Over 20 Years For more than the last two decades, Direct Tower has been providing the southeast with reliable telecommunications support. As we continue to grow and expand the reach of our services, we’re committed to ensuring ongoing support and guidance for our existing customers.

Contact UsSpecialized tower services to the telecommunications industry in the Southeast.

Some of our Direct Tower services include, (but are not limited to):

  • Site Surveys
  • Tower Mapping
  • Antennas & Line Installations
  • Dish Alignments, Installations, and Removals
  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Repairs
  • Emergency Servicing
  • PIM, Sweep, and Fiber Testing
  • Steel/Mount modifications
  • Post Mount Inspections (PMIs)
  • Relamps
  • Troubleshooting

We’ve been around long enough to know how important it is to provide prompt, courteous responses to issues as they arise, which is why Direct Services Group (DSG) is committed to not only meeting, but exceeding our customers’ expectations.

Are you a telecommunications company that’s looking for Broadcast, Cable TC, Cellular, Microwave, Engineering, or Government direct tower services? We can help.

Why Use DSG’s Direct Tower Services?

Industry Advantages

State-of-the-Art Technology

We only deal in the most modern tech, so you get to take advantage of things like uninterruptible power supply units, or distributed antenna systems for reliability and protection.

Better Investments

Having a reliable system that you know is being monitored, maintained, and repaired as needed, means less money lost through avoidable system failures and outages.

Expert Support

Our team of experienced professionals provide comprehensive support and maintenance, ensuring your systems operate at peak performance and any issues are promptly addressed.

Benefits to You

Customizable Systems

Our telecommunications equipment installers do more than just install the same system at every site. We help our customers create a personalized tower solution that fits all their needs.

24/7 Troubleshooting=

When issues do arise, it’s important that you know you can get help right away. Our telecommunications equipment services team is available around-the-clock to troubleshoot issues.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Our services extend past just mapping, planning, and installation of telecommunication equipment. We’re here to support you with guidance, maintenance, and repairs.

Tower Installation

From the time you request a quote to the moment your telecommunications equipment is live, our team will support you with our extensive knowledge of direct tower services.

We offer direct tower services like site surveys and tower mapping, which ensure that the solution you decide on is the most efficient choice for your telecommunications needs, as well as the space you’re using.

Tower Maintenance

Sometimes the best way to maintain telecommunications equipment is to do preventative maintenance services on them, which reduces the opportunity for issues to arise or repairs to be needed.

When things do happen, our team of telecommunication equipment installers are ready and eager to help you troubleshoot the issue, so we can get repairs underway immediately, and you can minimize the potential for service interruptions.

Emergency Tower Services

Despite our best efforts, emergencies do happen. Whether it’s weather-related damage, or another outside force that’s impacting your telecommunications equipment, our team is on-call to help you solve issues as soon as they happen.

Our team will get on-site as quickly as possible to assess the situation so that we can get any necessary repairs underway immediately. With DSG’s Direct Tower Services in your corner, you’ll be back up and running in no time!

Take Advantage of Our ‘Safety First’ Philosophy

All of our telecommunication equipment installers, maintenance, and repair technicians are fully trained in tower safety and rescue, so you can enjoy the peace of mind that your direct tower services are always in good hands.

If you’re ready to start dealing with knowledgeable, courteous, articulate, professional tower experts, let DSG help find your perfect telecommunications solutions today.